Speaker profiles
Tash McGill
Tash (@tashmcgill) is a strategist and writer who has been passionate about digital since first hearing the tone of a dial-up modem while posting her first weblog. She wants to change the world by helping people to think differently, so fervently believes no matter how technology and digital tools may change, we will use them first and foremost to communicate our stories. She believes integration and collaboration is the vital way forward to reimagining our digital futures.
Serena Chen
Serena (@sereeena) is a physicist turned Editor-in-Chief at HVNGRY, an online magazine for teen girls (and boys) wanting more from mainstream media. By day she's a designer at BNZ Digital, helping make their website elegant and accessible. By night she enjoys reverse engineering puzzles, programming projects, and rocking out to Kanye.
Kate Hannah
Kate (@knhannah) is a cultural historian by training, interested in how we depict and understand trauma and memory, in the history of the public perception and interpretation of science and technology, and in bridging the gulf between C.P. Snow’s ‘two cultures.’ By inclination she talks fast about lipstick, food, books, kids, and making the world a better place. Right now, she’s the executive manager of Te Pūnaha Matatini, a new New Zealand Centre of Research Excellence for complex systems and networks, which means she’s a historian in a physics department.